nord star capital

Technology-driven global asset management company with a passion and experience in structured products and derivative-based investments. Our goal is to create robust and transparent investment solutions for our clients.

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Nord Star image

About Us

Over past 10 years, Nord Star Capital team has built leading Structured products business in CEEMEA region.

> $7bn

product sales

> $4bn

managing derivatives
trading book

Successfully established fund-based solutions.

strategy image

Our Board

Boris Krasnenkov

Chairman of the Board

Head of Origination

Alex Kitaev


Portfolio Management

Varounen Goinden

Independent director

Administrator representative

Girishwaree Jowohir

Independent director

Administrator representative

Karene Figaro

Independent director

Administrator representative


Nord Star Target Returns Fund

Nord Star Target Returns Fund offers smart approach to Equity investments through bespoke equity derivatives with a focus on G7/developed markets

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Fund’s strategy goals:

Stable and predictable yield

10%+ p.a. in USD

Better downside protection compared to classic equity funds

Elimination of the issuer’s

credit risk

Why “Target” Return?

In times of turbulence we bring predictability in place using bespoke options

Structured note

Lack of diversification

Issuer credit risk

Hidden fees

Nord Star Defined
Returns Fund

Defined returns

Downside protection

Transparent fees

Equity funds

Return is unpredictable

Delta-1 exposure on downside


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Nord Star Target Returns Fund



Key Investor Information Documents

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